Permaculture, Goats and Golden Eagles…

We are loving being outdoors, tucked away in a forest on an Island that’s 9km x 9km with goats, chickens, carrots, pigs, beetroot, golden and bald eagles, all sharing the same space and flourishing in one of the most magnificent environments we’ve ever experienced. We’ve been working around five hours a day and in exchange have enjoyed three exquisite organic meals from the garden each day, a warm shower and a comfortable bed. We’ve done everything from putting up greenhouses, milking goats, weeding, to transplanting and potting in the permaculture beds.

The farm is run by an awesome couple; Noah and Elizabeth, who are super passionate about real farming, real food and real people. They have a vision to become a totally self sustaining island and are setting an example for other communities to do the same. Saturday is the first pick up day of the year where members of their CSA scheme will collect their box of delicious, tasty, seasonal veg.

We chose to come to Jollity Farm for three reasons. We were looking for somewhere to relax, absorb new ideas and to plan the rest of our pursuit. That we’ve done. Surprisingly, we have stumbled upon our first glimpse of outstanding. : – )

More ideas and learning from the farm to follow.










Easy riders…

As you might have guessed, we have landed in BC. Spent an amazing few days in and around Vancouver City doing a mix of chores including picking up an iPad to blog along the way, getting Ross’ Claude Butler fixed up after a bumpy ride on the plane despite copious amounts of bubble wrap and caught up with a couple of old friends and ex TYF adventure guides Stuart Masterman and Leah Blok.

We have been blown away by the warm Canadian welcome, from passer-bys and in particular the hosts we found through Joey, Cathy and Manu in Van city and Jim, Cory and boys between Naniemo and Chamanius.

It feels great to be on the road after months of planning. The bikes feel good fully loaded and the warm sun on our backs feels ace. We are out of the city now at Jollity Farm, on a stunning island called Thetis, for a jolly spot of organic farming. The trip is on!


What a send off

We stood at the back of the room on Friday night as the sun set over Whitesands and thought how incredibly lucky we were to have so many amazing people come to wish us well on our journey. The love and warmth in that room blew us away. We’ll miss our friends and family so much, but now we are on the road, we know the journey ahead is the right one, our hearts are leading the way. There’s been laughter and tears so far and we know there’s more to come before we hop on the big bird tomorrow morning. Bags and bikes are packed, we’ll enjoy our first wedding anniversary at The Hilton tonight and awake like a child on Christmas morning tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for all your support and love.

And so the story starts

On the 19th May 2012 we got married in St Davids Cathedral and on the 19th May 2013 we will be embarking on the next chapter of our lives. We are going ‘In Pursuit of Outstanding’ to create a better world for ourselves and future generations. As our world leaders aren’t taking action, it is up to us and others to find new ways of collaborating to create a world we want to live in.

The long and the short of it is this: the fundamental systems that allow humans to live on planet earth are under enormous pressure from the impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss and ineffective resource use, and a lack of care and compassion for the world around us.

Wales was the cradle of the industrial revolution that changed the face of the world; our natural resources were used to power the businesses that reached to all corners. With nearly all of the coal mines closed and only a couple of steelworks left, Wales has the opportunity to embrace the green revolution and lead the way in one planet living; our pursuit is to find inspiration and practical examples from the individuals and organisations around the World who are leading the way.

We are taking two years to volunteer, intern and work our way around the world’s coastlines, traveling by bicycle with a trailer for our surfboards and camping gear. We start our journey in Vancouver on Monday 20th May 2013 and will

cycle 2000 miles south to Los Angeles.

4 days and counting.

PS – this blog is not just a diary for the next few years but also a great way for friends, family and anyone else who is reading to share, comment and engage in our journey so feel free and post away!